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badai pasir bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "badai pasir"
  • badai:    gale; storm; storms; cyclone; gale force;
  • pasir:    sand; gritstone; amandine aurore lucie dupin;
  • badai pasir tiongkok utara 2021:    2021 east asia sandstorm
  • badai:    gale; storm; storms; cyclone; gale force; tempest; tropical storm; gust of wind; squall; windstorm; water spout; tornado; gust; typhoon; blast; thunderstorm; high wind; whirlwind; rainstorm; blow; s
  • pasir:    sand; gritstone; amandine aurore lucie dupin; baroness dudevant; gravel; grit; abradant; george sand; arena; gritrock
  • ada badai:    a storm was on
  • angin badai:    winds
  • awan badai:    storm cloud
  • badai andrew:    hurricane andrew
  • badai api:    firestorm
  • badai atlantik:    atlantic hurricane
  • badai david:    hurricane david
  • badai debu:    sandstorm; duster; dust storm; sirocco
  • badai dog:    hurricane dog (1950)
  • badai dorian:    hurricane dorian
  • Another sandstorm is reported in the vicinity.
    Sebuah badai pasir dilaporkan terjadi lagi di daerah itu.
  • Her caravan was swallowed by the most ferocious sand storm.
    Kafilah mereka tertelan badai pasir sengit.
  • Sandstorms, for example, they chip away at the mirrors.
    Badai pasir, misalnya, Mereka merusak cermin.
  • The exhausted calf is still blinded by sand.
    Anak gajah itu masih buta karena badai pasir tadi.
  • Fei Sien Long is the black dragon sandstorm
    Fei Sien Long adalah badai pasir hitam
  • Sandstorm will finish it. All will be buried
    Begitu badai pasir tiba, semuanya akan terkubur
  • Because an hour later, another sandstorm will come
    Karena satu jam kemudian, badai pasir lain akan datang
  • There' of a dust storm running through later.
    Ada rumor tentang badai pasir sedang menuju ke sini.
  • They could be out there in that.
    Mereka mungkin di luar di tengah badai pasir.
  • We captured three insurgents, when this sandstorm kicks up.
    Kami menangkap tiga gerilyawan, ketika ada badai pasir.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5